Doctoral programmes
Overview of doctoral programmes
Te Kura o Te Mātauranga The Institute of Education offers the Doctor of Philosophy degree for those who wish to specialise in the discipline of Education.
We define education broadly to encompass: formal education in institutional settings; non-formal education in government, non-government, organisational and community settings; and informal education that takes place anytime, anywhere in both physical and virtual environments.
Our doctoral students come to their study with a wide range of professional and life experiences, previous study at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and reasons for wanting to undertake doctoral research.
At Massey University, there are three pathways to a PhD in Education: PhD by monograph, by publications, and by practice.
- The monograph pathway leads to the production of a traditional doctoral thesis.
- The publications pathway leads to the production of an agreed number of published scholarly outputs, together with an exegesis that integrates the thesis as a whole.
- The practice pathway leads to the development of one or more creative artefacts or professional cases together with an exegesis that integrates the thesis as a whole.
Whichever pathway you choose, your final thesis has to meet international standards of quality and rigour.
For further information and to arrange a preliminary discussion about your pathway, topic and supervisor options, contact one of our doctoral programme co-ordinators:
Professor Roseanna Bourke
Professor John O’Neill