Digital Education

Everyday life is being fundamentally changed by digital technologies. Education is part of this change. Learning is no longer confined to a place or to traditional pathways of learning.

In the Master of Education (Digital Education), you will learn to analyse and critique digital education theory and practice. You’ll develop your understanding of the complexities of digital learning and teaching. You’ll also enhance the effectiveness of your digital teaching to improve students' learning within a safe and inclusive learning environment. You can conduct your own research in an aspect of digital education that interests you.


What are our graduates saying?


How does the programme work?

The Master of Education (Digital Education) is a parts-based qualification. That means you must complete the first part, before moving to the second.

The maximum completion timeframe for the 180-credit Master of Education is five years.

Course work (professional inquiry) pathway

It is strongly recommended that all subject courses are completed first. The research methods courses should then be completed.

To progress to Part Two you will need a minimum B grade average in the first 120 credits of courses.

Research (thesis) pathway

It is strongly recommended that all subject courses are completed first. The research methods courses must then be completed.

To progress to Part Two you will achieve a minimum B+ grade average in the first 90 credits of courses.

Advanced entry

If you have completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Education you may may apply for credit towards Part One of the qualification.


What courses can you enrol in?

In addition to the core courses that appear on the previous page, you will also enrol for some of the following:

Compulsory courses

Course code & title *


261760 Digital Education and Design for Learning

This course provides a framework for considering the design of digitally-enhanced learning situations (in formal, non-formal or professional contexts).

* All listed courses are 30 credits

Subject courses: Coursework Pathway.

Choose at least 30 credits from...

Course code & title *


261765 Trends in Digital Education

The course offers a critical overview of emerging trends, challenges and technological innovation in education.

261766 Teaching and Digital Education

This course examines and critiques theoretical perspectives, principles and practices of teaching and learning with digital technologies.

* All listed courses are 30 credits


A Master of Education in Digital Education is a good fit if you:

  • want to understand digital education better
  • want skills and knowledge in existing and emerging digital learning
  • would like to conduct your own research in some aspect of digital education.